Ava, a nine-year-old from Penrith in Sydney's west, lives with high-level Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele. Despite her condition, Ava's passion is wheelchair track racing. Her coaches at Wheelchair Sports NSW recommended providing her with a Top End Eliminator OSR wheelchair, allowing her to enhance her participation in racing and her overall enjoyment of the sport.
Mark Wilson, the Sport Development Officer, noted Ava's natural talent for wheelchair racing. She had been using a second-hand chair designed for someone else, limiting her control and participation in training sessions. The goal is to have Ava participate in both school and club-level events, with potential involvement in the 2019 Summer Down Under Series.
Ava's physiotherapist supported the application for the $6K chair, which the John MacLean Foundation is pleased to fund. Emily Healey, the physiotherapist, believes that Ava's participation in sports will boost her confidence, fitness, and overall wellbeing. It will also encourage positive physical activity, often less pursued by children with disabilities.
With her new wheelchair, Ava can practice outside of training hours and enjoy family outings on weekends and after school. This not only improves her racing but also enhances her participation, fitness, and social engagement, crucial for her health and wellbeing.